Sunday, December 7, 2008

Point Reyes Backpacking

So far I am doing horrible at blogging- good at having adventures, bad about fitting in the time to write about them.
The dirt:
Trip: Point Reyes Winter Excursion.
Method: Backpacking
Mileage: Um, between 10 and 15?
Logistics: Marin Coach from 3rd and Heatherton to Bear Valley ($2!), hike from Bear Valley to Coast Camp via Woodward Valley/Sky Camp, Camped at Coast Camp, Back via Old Pine and Bear Valley Trails. Hitchhiked home.
Awesomeness factor: HIGH
Notes: It's east to get camps at Point Reyes on the coast in the winter. Tomales Bay kayaking in the summer, Coast and Wildcat in the winter is the way to go. Campsites 1 & 2 are good ones out at Coast. There are trash cans and purified water. This is ridiculous, but good to know for planning purposes. Caution- there are aggressive animals! Lock up everything, toothpaste included!

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